

Hello, Here You Will Gain Useful Knowledge for Our Fees and Various Forms of Payments

Building Blocks Childcare Centres prides itself on giving back to our families. We do this in many ways including using 100% of the Affordability Grants given by the Alberta Government to lower parent fees. This is why our fees are among the lowest in Medicine Hat. Families and the children always come first at Building Blocks Childcare Centres.

0 to 18


Affordability Grant is


19 to 35


Affordability Grant is


3 to 6 years


Affordability Grant is


6 to 12


Affordability Grant is


13 months to 18 years


Affordability Grant is


19 month to
3 years


Affordability Grant is


With the Affordability Grants applied 100%:

12 to 18


19 months to
under 3 years


3 years to
6 years


Should parents qualify for subsidy, that amount will be deducted from the above fees. Parents who qualify for full subsidy will pay no fees for infants, pay $30 per month for toddlers and pay $51 per month for children ages 3 – 6, which is right in line with governments target of $10 per day for daycare by 2026.

Our Crescent Heights location offers families that qualify for full subsidy-free childcare for children under 3 years.

To make a payment, feel free to send an interac payment to andrea@bbps.ca. We also accept cash and cheque for payments. We do not send out monthly invoices as the monthly fees are always the same unless your subsidy has changed.

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